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Thursday, 23 January 2014


I was having a conversation with a friend from one of the largest private hedge funds in the world yesterday and he gave me some few very good pointers. He said that as much as most trainers or traders lay emphasis on fundamental and technical analysis, the best traders in the world rarely use them. He went on to tell me that they sometimes just look at the price and judge from just the price ladders. They use instinct. Instinct isn't something you develop in the market in a day, its from continuously doing the same thing over and over that you have a feel of the market. When you spend time in the market, you become part of it and that makes you a superior trader and that is the talent fund managers look for.They know when price hits a certain level and fails a couple of times they instantly take positions as high frequency traders and make money from spreads as well. Bottomline is that, if you want to be a good trader, practice and get as much screen time as you can get.

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